Kerstin Rodgers is known on the internet as msmarmitelover. She is the author of 5 food books, and an award-winning blogger (Guild of food writers and Fortnum and Mason food writer of the year) of She pioneered the supper club movement starting in 2009, which has grown from strength to strength, and seen in the New York Times in December 2023.
She trained as a photographer shooting pop stars for the NME then moved on to journalism specialising in food and travel for Newsquest media, The Guardian, Sunday Times, BBC Food and more.. Her varied work history includes working as an online astrologer under Shelley Von Strunckel. She’s an Aquarian with a moon in Scorpio and Libra rising.
Holiday Goddess 2025 Aquarius Recipe
When devising these astrological recipes, I tend to think of ingredients that are associated with the signs, colours, ruling planets, dining styles and countries and cuisines ruled by that sign.
This Venusian sign is all about beauty. While fellow Venusian sign Taurus appreciates comfort, Libra is more aesthetic in their expression of Venus: presentation and prettiness matters to them.
If the most ‘cheffy’ signs are Cancer and Taurus, the sign of TV chefs is Gemini, who are good at communicating what to do with food to the nation – TV chefs like Jamie Oliver, Delia Smith, Heston Blumenthal, Michel Roux Jnr all who are Gemini.
Holiday Goddess Aries Recipe
Arian countries include England and Israel. Aries is ruled by the planet of war, Mars, and both countries have a martial spirit, with well-trained armies.