Icebergs Swimming Pool, Bondi Beach

One of the most photographed swimming pools in the world is the Bondi Icebergs pool, which is also home to one of Australia’s most famous Winter Swimming Clubs of the same name.

Enjoy Your Inner Space: How To Make A Healing Labyrinth

Labyrinth by Ashley Batz, UnsplashLabyrinth pathways, dating back as far as over 4,000 years, have been built by many unrelated cultures around the world and are featured in ancient sites, used by both Eastern and Christian religions, and also embraced by the New Age groups.

Taking Off With Virtual Travel in 2020

Virtual travel has been waiting patiently in the wings but now, with physical travel on hold for the foreseeable future, it really is it’s time to shine. 

Take The Long Way Home

Book cover of Wherever You Go A Guide to Mindful, Sustainable, and Life-Changing TravelKnown in Sweden as flygskam, or flight shame, the Greta effect on travel globally has individuals and progressive companies actively seeking more carbon neutral methods of travel than flying.