Manhattan, New York by tour bus

Karen Moline and her son review their home town of New York on the top of a bus – and think about a hot chocolate Thermos.

The Carousolar, New York

Breaking News: The Holiday Goddess Handbag Guide to Paris, London, New York and Rome is out now through HarperCollins.

The High Line, New York

Karen Moline believes it’s time to reincarnate as disco-era Cher and roller-skate along New York’s High Line – especially now the second section is open.

Water Taxi Beach, New York

Karen Moline takes her nine-year-old son to Water Taxi Beach and finds Madonna’s ex, free hot dogs and real sand… When my son was a tiny toddler, there was nothing he loved more than to travel around Manhattan by boat.

Children’s Cookery Classes in NYC

Karen Moline finds the best of New York’s amazing cookery classes for children New York City inhabitants rarely have big backyards, but we manage to sort out fun’n’games for the kids on endless playdates, either outside on local playgrounds or inside when the weather stinks (which, of late, seems to be every other day).