A London Astrology Walk
There is an astrological puzzle tucked away in the crypt at St. Paul’s Cathedral (above).
A special stretch of the old City of London from Cheapside to the Strand, contains a great deal of astrological history, as well as horoscope signs and symbols. The Temple area holds many mysteries – and it all begins (below) with the 12 signs of the Zodiac, but in the wrong order.
The horoscope runs the signs anti-clockwise, you see. There are a few choices in the city, with any London astrology walk, but the Cheapside-Strand route is interesting because it is your first sighting of the Sagittarius archer (with his bow and arrow on horseback) who will later turn up underneath Queen Victoria, as you walk along Fleet Street.
Story and Photographs, Jessica Adams. Additional Photographs J.Pirkis, Gonzalo Facello (Unsplash).

Zodiac Signs on Cheapside
Starting at 107 Cheapside near St. Paul’s Cathedral, you’ll find the 12 signs of the zodiac sculpted to perfection, including one which turns up more than once in this part of London – Capricorn. At 108 Cheapside you will also find the Sun, at the heart of astrology, on a sundial. This London Astrology Walk offers both the Sun and Moon along the way. The Moon is hidden inside the crypt dedicated to Nelson in St. Paul’s Cathedral, further along.
From here to Venus, the ruler of Libra the scales on Milford Lane, it’s a half-hour stroll, but along the way you will take in most of the planets and signs. So, is it deliberate? Perhaps. This part of the City of London is full of mysteries and has a strong background in astrological publishing, professional astrology and also Freemasonry. In fact, the Moon next to Nelson’s tomb in mosaic, is an old Freemasonry symbol.

Natalie Delahaye and William Lilly
Walking around here with my friend, hypnotherapist and astrologer Natalie Delahaye, it was hard to avoid ‘vibes’ as we explored the ancient streets.
The astrologer who predicted The Great Fire of London and the 1665 Plague, William Lilly, has a green plaque on The Strand near Australia House. Around the corner from the old Strand Station on the Piccadilly Railway, you will find his memorial, high up on the wall. William Lilly tells us, from the pages of history, that he lived and worked in The Corner House, Strand Lane, Over and Above Strand Bridge – not far from here.
Before you even get to the other end of the walk, though, don’t forget about the famous ‘Zodiac Clock’ with Sir Winston Churchill’s face in the centre, almost opposite St. Paul’s Cathedral.
You can see the signs of Gemini and Virgo on the clock, both ruled by Mercury the Messenger of the Gods, who also turns up, further along Fleet Street.
The Daily Telegraph, Peterborough House, 135 Fleet Street
Mercury rules the media and in the old days on Fleet Street, newspapers. You will find the offices of The Express here, but also The Daily Telegraph, at Peterborough House. Mercury is depicted twice (he rules the heavenly twins of Gemini) running in opposite directions.
Queen Victoria’s Zodiac
On Temple Bar, at the entrance to Fleet Street, you will find Queen Victoria guarding the old city; look carefully at the globe above the sextant on her left side and you will see the signs of the zodiac wrapped around it, beginning with Aries and Taurus. Walk around the monument and you will see the glyph for Sagittarius. The famous arrow. This is an odd feature on Queen Victoria’s memorial. The arrow is pointing to St. Mary-Le-Bow church – the bow and arrow being central. And of course, the Sagittarius emblem on Cheapside is almost opposite that church. This London Astrology Walk holds mysteries.
Chasing the Zodiac Signs Around London
You can walk around this part of London at your leisure and find even more signs and symbols along the way, along with the zodiac signs chasing each other across the globe (below, left). It really depends on the weather, but if you begin at Cheapside and end at the Strand, you will be time-travelling from the Fifties back to the 17th century. Not bad for a half-hour walk. Queen Victoria was a Sun Gemini, the zodiac sign associated with messages. The astrological signs chasing each other around the globe (below) also hold a message. Perhaps only the old Freemasons of the City of London know. This is a London Astrology Walk with a difference.