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The YouTube Healer People Love

"Sara Raymond is a hypnotherapist and YouTube healer with a lot of praise from people whose pain, anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks she has fixed. All free. All on video."

The YouTube Healer People Love

By Jennifer Johnson

YouTube is full of healing videos, but what actually works? And who works? Testimonials tell the story. If you are in pain or suffer from anxiety or insomnia, try Sara Raymond.

Sara Raymond’s Acclaimed Videos

Sara Raymond is a hypnotherapist and YouTube healer with a lot of praise from people whose pain, anxiety, insomnia and panic attacks she has fixed. All free. All on video.

Sara is the author of You Are Not Broken, with Leah Braun and teaches yoga, pilates and meditation.

It is her healing meditations that have won her a cult following on YouTube, though.

Body Healing

Try Body Healing, for example

Viewers have written –

“This stopped me crying over the pain.”
“It did help me relieve a lot of stomach ache and tooth pain.”
“I don’t think my muscles have ever been this relaxed.”

Heal Pain Naturally

Then there is, Heal Pain Naturally.

A viewer wrote  that her pain went from 9/10 to 1/10 listening to Sara.

“This actually worked! have PCOS and will get pain at about a 9/10 when I have a cyst burst on my right ovary. This is pain which usually Tylenol nor Ibuprofen can touch, and it takes 25-45 minutes, if it does touch it. This took about 5 minutes and pain lightened. I did this sitting with my legs crossed, Indian style, you could say. The pain slowly faded and I fell asleep sitting up. I woke up because my head bobbed and had only a slight pain like a bearable 1/10. Thank you isn’t enough!

Fix Sleep – Pain or Emotional Pain Answers

Getting to sleep (and sleeping through the night) can be difficult if you are going through a break-up, a divorce or bereavement.

Then there is physical pain. Sara has also created a free video to help people find proper rest. For this Sara has created the Guided Deep Sleep Meditation for Physical or Emotional Pain Relief .

She comments,

“Heal from physical and emotional pain while you sleep. Relax your body and mind, let go of resistance to any pain you have currently, have had in the past, or any expectations of pain. You may resist pain, perhaps because you don’t like to be uncomfortable, as this is human nature.

This causes the pain to be pushed down and not processed and then released. This resistance to the sensations in your body and the negative associations with these feelings can cause additional suffering.”

She ends, “Invite ease into the areas that may be asking for your attention.”

Manuela Lopes wrote, “This meditation is amazing! It works every time! My pain miraculously goes away. I am so so grateful to Sara Raymond and her videos; they become essential to my wellbeing if I am tired, if I am worried, stressed, or in pain.”

The Mindful Movement

Sara works with The Mindful Movement organisation and offers courses as well as personal consultations.

You can buy recordings or become a member. Find out more about The Mindful Movement here



Woman doing Sukhasana pose. Photo Rawpixel
You Are Not Broken by Sara Raymond

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Photo and images from Rawpixel

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