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Holiday Goddess Pisces Recipe: Taiyaki Cakes

"If a Piscean is not vegan or vegetarian (which they so often are with their overwhelming compassion for other living beings), they will love fish. So why not a fish-shaped dessert?"

Pisces is famously the sign of the fish. We’ve just passed through the Age of Pisces, which lasts 2000 years, now we are in the technocratic Age of Aquarius.  The fish was also a secret symbol for early Christianity, sometimes found in carvings on cathedrals, a religion which exalts Piscean virtues such as charity and compassion. 

Pisceans are a water sign, the only medium in which fish can survive. This sign, ruled by Neptune, god of the sea, can often struggle to have strong boundaries. More positively water signs are creative, tuned into the collective consciousness.

If a Piscean is not vegan or vegetarian (which they so often are with their overwhelming compassion for other living beings), they will love fish. So why not a fish-shaped dessert? Taiyaki are a popular street food snack in Japan and Korea. You can buy the moulds on the internet, or the special taiyaki making machine. But equally you could use a waffle maker for the same flavour but without the fish shape.

I’ve filled them with sweet chestnut paste, which is more adapted to Western tastes than the traditional sweet bean paste. You could also experiment with other fillings such as berries, another Piscean super food.

Once cooked they can be warmed up in a microwave. Eat accompanied with green tea or matcha.

Pisces Recipe: Taiyaki Cakes


  • 60 ml warmed whole milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 50 g sugar
  • 100 g wheat flour
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder,
  • 3/4 tsp salt
  • small tin (250g) sweet creme de marron paste( this will be enough for double or even triple this recipe)
  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter


  1. Pour the warm milk into a bowl
  2. Add the eggs, mix together
  3. Add the rest of the ingredients and whisk.
  4. Grease the pan with the butter
  5. Rest the teriyaki pan on the gas stove making sure the deeper side is on the bottom, the shallower side is on the top where it can close down.
  6. Pour the batter into the deep side of the pan, covering the entire fish
  7. Add the creme de marron. I put a dollop in the middle and then a little more for the tail.
  8. Add some more batter on top to cover the paste.
  9. Leave for a minute then turn the pan over, clamping together both sides firmly.
  10. Using a sharp knife, cutting away any excess batter, retaining the shape of the fish, edge the fish out of the pan onto a plate.
Taiyaki Cakes. Photo by Kerstin Rodgers

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