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Royal Approval – Flower Essences

"Flower essences became famous for their healing powers, thanks to the 1980 Royal Warrants for Bach Flower Remedies (The Queen, HM the Queen Mother and HRH the Princes of Wales)."

Flower essences became famous for their healing powers, thanks to the 1980 Royal Warrants for Bach Flower Remedies (The Queen, HM the Queen Mother and HRH the Princes of Wales).

The Royal Warrants were for Bach essences prepared by Ainsworths.

The flower remedies of Dr Bach were developed in the 1930s. Bach found 39 essences which he put into seven groups: fear, uncertainty, loneliness, insufficient interest in present circumstances, over-sensitivity, despondency and over-care for the welfare of others.

There is a good short film about Dr Bach on YouTube – he passed in 1936.

His remedies were based on his intuition and psychic connection to the plants. He used a mixture of dew from the flowers and brandy to make his essences.

Agrimony: Mental torture behind a cheerful face

Aspen: Fear of unknown things

Beech: Intolerance, perfectionist

Centazry: The inability to say ‘no’

Cerato: The lack of trust in one’s own decisions

Cherry Plum: The fear of the mind giving way, fear of losing control

Chestnut Bud: The failure to learn from mistakes

Chicory: Selfish, possessive love, needs the appreciation of others

Clematis: Dreaming of the future without working in the present, absentminded

Crab Apple: The cleansing remedy, also for self-hatred, poor body image

Elm: Overwhelmed by responsibility, pressures of work

Gentian: Discouragement after a setback, pessimism

Gorse: Hopelessness and despair

Heather: Self-centredness and self-concern

Holly: Hatred, envy and jealousy, feels victimized

Australian Bush Flower Essences

Taking the same idea, fifth generation herbalist Ian White, from Sydney, was inspired to produce a successful range of remedies, with flowers from around Australia.

Motivated by his grandmother, White is a passionate advocate for the essences. The sprays and bottles have been part of many alternative chemists and health food shop ranges since 1987 when he founded his business. Creams have also been added to the range, like Woman Essence Therapeutic Cream.

Testimonials and reviews on the website are persuasive.

“Absolutely Brilliant!” for Emergency Essence Oral Spray.

There is also a YouTube channel filmed in North Avalon, Ian’s Sydney bush backyard. Here you can see the flowers like Fringed Violet in Ian’s hands. It’s popularly used for space clearing. “I use this flower in working with the aura,” Ian says. “Energetically it’s nice for psychic protection.” He recommends it for babies who aren’t sleeping well.

The Australian Bush Essences can help with –

  • Transforming struggles
  • Developing and activating leadership
  • Accepting, loving and nurturing the self
  • Finding spiritual guidance
  • Leaving negative family patterns
  • Psychic attack

Putting Flower Essences on Trial

The Bach essences were proven to relieve stress in women (Rescue Remedy) – read about it here here

Their effectiveness with carpal tunnel syndrome is proven, read about it here here.

Binge-eating was successfully treated with Bach remedies read about it here (against Placebo)

Low self-esteem was improved with Bach remedies read about it here

Labour and birth were also eased by Bach essences, read about it here

Bach skincare products, location unknown, 03/06/2017. More: View public domain image source here
Dr Edward Bach, photo from Creative Commons

Visit These Sites For More Information

Class Times

Photo Credits:

Featured image: Flowers in Water Bowl,  RAWPIXEL

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